The Louisiana Lodge of Research is a subordinate body recognized by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the State of Louisiana, F. & A.M.
Its object is to further the genuine principles of Freemasonry, promoting original Masonic research, encouraging, conducting, and fostering the study of Masonic topics and diffusing knowledge of Freemasonry’s intent and purposes and thereby educating all who come in contact with Freemasonry to be favorably disposed toward Freemasonry’s customs, traditions, and landmarks.
The Louisiana Lodge of Research is now accepting papers for consideration for its 2025 Transactions. Please review the “Research” tab and email papers to Lance Atchison, P.M., Secretary at [email protected].
The deadline to submit is January 31, 2025.
December 27, 2024
Subject: Call for Papers and Introduction
Dear members,
I first wish you all a festive and reflective St. John the Evangelist Day! I hope you take some time today to reflect on the meaning of this particular St. John and how his example can guide our lives.
I write to you today to announce a call for papers for our 2025 Transactions. We hope to receive papers covering the full spectrum of Freemasonry, its past, future, and philosophy. We also hope to receive papers from our most learned members and those just finding their footing in the Craft. The Louisiana Lodge of Research is for every Louisiana Mason, and I hope our Transactions will be a testament to that fact. Please review the website linked below and submit papers in a Word file format to our secretary by January 31, 2025 at [email protected].
Over the past nine months, we have been working in the background to relaunch the Louisiana Lodge of Research. A new lodge emblem was beautifully designed by W∴ B∴ Mariano Paniello, Worshipful Master of Cervantes Lodge No. 5., which proudly conveys several important symbols to Louisiana Freemasons. A full description of the emblem will be included in our 2025 Transactions. A brand-new website is live, which includes a new membership application and (future) meeting registration forms. We’ve spent a considerable amount of time dreaming up ways to reinvigorate this organization and serve our membership and will continue our tradition of publishing papers that explore the philosophy, history, symbolism, and future of Freemasonry. We will publish our transactions electronically and are
exploring a print-on-demand option. We will also host gatherings to discuss selected papers over good food, drink, and fellowship amongst brothers.
I express my gratitude to M∴ W∴ B∴ Chip Borne for entrusting me to succeed him as the Master of the LLR; I can only hope to do his recommendation justice. I am also pleased to share that W∴ B∴ Lance Atchison was appointed secretary of the lodge and that several others have approached us to be a part of the lodge’s renewal.
Our secretary will soon be in touch with dues notices for 2025, which will include outstanding balances.
I ask for your support in our efforts as we rebuild – not just for ourselves, but for future generations of Louisiana Masons. I may be reached via email at [email protected].
Yours Fraternally,
Brandon M. Smith, P∴ M ∴
Worshipful Master,
Louisiana Lodge of Research.